Jenipher Mmari
Rural Development
Sokoine University of Agriculture
School fee per year: 4032 SEK
Year of graduation: 2023
I grew up in a family with God fearing bases and it was the kind of family that taught me that whatever little we have, we need to share with others. I have grown up and I have witnessed my parents and my elders helping our neighbours in various different ways, despite they have very little. I grew up in a family that believe and put emphasis for me to learn from others in order to improve my knowledge and capacity. My parents were both local farmers but my father has passed away and my mother is currently unemployed. I studied at Siha primary school and then I went to Lomwe secondary school for my ordinary level education. Then I studied at Kiwele high school in Iringa region for my advanced level education and then I managed to be selected at Sokoine University of Agriculture, as an undergraduate for university studies. I come from a loving and kind family, and most of all respectful family to others in the village.
What inspires me is that developing countries - especially Tanzania - will surely need rural development, since a vast majority of those living in rural areas are poor, so it is essential for poverty reduction to study rural development. Rural areas are still plagued by problems of malnourished, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of basis infrastructure like school, hospital, collages, sanitations, e.t.c. This has led to youth moving out of villages to work somewhere else. I will aim at finding ways to improve rural areas with participation of rural people themselves, in order to meet the required needs. My eye on for future will always be focusing on the community surrounding me. I want to help the society that surrounds me by doing different things that will impact my society in positive way. My slogan always says to put my community first, and then other things will follow.
I would like to get involved as a volunteer. There are a lot of volunteering opportunities out there, such as to donate money, help my neighbours, tidy up, or support local businesses. Also, I would like to teach my community to impact new knowledge to them, which will help them in different aspects of their lives like about the development and training of new leaders, and how they should volunteer in different ways in the community. Also I would like to participate in a charity movement, such as visiting orphans, helping elders and providing education to young ladies, especially in schools, on how they can cope with challenges and reach their goals.
✅Jenipher Mmari's application has been reviewed
✅Jenipher Mmari has been interviewed
✅Jenipher Mmari's enrollment has been confirmed by Sokoine University of Agriculture
Social Science & Business
Jenipher Mmari
Rural Development
Sokoine University of Agriculture

4032 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2023
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
I will aim at finding ways to improve rural areas with participation of rural people themselves
I will aim at finding ways to improve rural areas with participation of rural people themselves
I grew up in a family with God fearing bases and it was the kind of family that taught me that whatever little we have, we need to share with others. I have grown up and I have witnessed my parents and my elders helping our neighbours in various different ways, despite they have very little. I grew up in a family that believe and put emphasis for me to learn from others in order to improve my knowledge and capacity. My parents were both local farmers but my father has passed away and my mother is currently unemployed. I studied at Siha primary school and then I went to Lomwe secondary school for my ordinary level education. Then I studied at Kiwele high school in Iringa region for my advanced level education and then I managed to be selected at Sokoine University of Agriculture, as an undergraduate for university studies. I come from a loving and kind family, and most of all respectful family to others in the village.
What inspires me is that developing countries - especially Tanzania - will surely need rural development, since a vast majority of those living in rural areas are poor, so it is essential for poverty reduction to study rural development. Rural areas are still plagued by problems of malnourished, illiteracy, unemployment and lack of basis infrastructure like school, hospital, collages, sanitations, e.t.c. This has led to youth moving out of villages to work somewhere else. I will aim at finding ways to improve rural areas with participation of rural people themselves, in order to meet the required needs. My eye on for future will always be focusing on the community surrounding me. I want to help the society that surrounds me by doing different things that will impact my society in positive way. My slogan always says to put my community first, and then other things will follow.
I would like to get involved as a volunteer. There are a lot of volunteering opportunities out there, such as to donate money, help my neighbours, tidy up, or support local businesses. Also, I would like to teach my community to impact new knowledge to them, which will help them in different aspects of their lives like about the development and training of new leaders, and how they should volunteer in different ways in the community. Also I would like to participate in a charity movement, such as visiting orphans, helping elders and providing education to young ladies, especially in schools, on how they can cope with challenges and reach their goals.
Q: How can I trust Jenipher Mmari is a real student?

A: Jenipher Mmari has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Jenipher Mmari . We have also double-checked the given identity with Sokoine University of Agriculture. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.